Thursday, February 5, 2009

Choose Your Own Adventure Tourism

Okay, well it's you choosing my next adventure, really.

Tomorrow I'm buying a two-day museum pass, and I'm going to Saint-Chappelle, the towers of Notre Dame, the Orsay, and the Cluny. I'll go to the Arc de Triomphe at night and the Towers of Notre Dame at dusk if I get a chance.

So, there's my big weekend plan. Choose from the places in the poll and let me know what you think next week should bring my way (besides an intelligent, funny, and handsome hubby to go with my new wedding ring)!

(Psssst. It's okay to vote for something just so you can see pictures of it. I'll do my best to take some good ones.)
The poll closes Sunday at midnight Utah time.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Can't wait to see pictures of tomorrow's outing.