In a recent conversation with my best friend, Happy, she said the following about me moving to France.
"You know you're never coming back, right? You say you're coming back, but we BOTH know you're never coming back."
Well, then.
I wish I could say with any certainty that that was true. But I can't. I've got a plane ticket to come back, and my visa will expire at a certain point (assuming I ever get one).
So unless I randomly decide to stay in France and do a Master's program (which apparently I can do, and they will just extend my visa while I'm still in France), I'll be back at the end of June and looking for a job.
I sure hope you come back. Unless you meet some irresistible man and get married and live there forever, then I will just have a free place to stay if I ever visit France! ;)
It was so great to see you last weekend. We really need to do that again sometime. (So I guess you'd better come back!)
I have faith that you will one day return (but I'd rather you be happy.) If staying France is what makes you happy, then I would be happy to visit you over there.
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