Monday, November 17, 2008

Color Addict

Adobe Kuler is a great place to feed my color addiction.
People come up with great color combinations that I would never think of. It's very inspirational for me as I think about paintings (or combining clothes I would have never put together on my own... I'm very very conservative when it comes to color combinations in clothing).

Here are a few examples.

Aubergine by natalieeiferd

Sneaking Around by whoneycutt

Tell Me I'm Pretty by CivilSumo
Maybe looking at this site more frequently will help me be more adventurous in my fashion choices.


TheQueen@TerrorsInTiaras said...

I like the top one. I mostly branch out with color in the summer. Different t-shirts (I'm so adventurous.) In the winter--black, grays and browns. I've been accused by my girls of dressing like death. Nice. I should follow your lead. Maybe.

Scrappy said...

I love it!
I used to have a favorite color until I started scrapbooking a few years ago and now I just can't choose. I have become a little more adventurous (very slightly) with my clothing but nowhere near where I would like to be. I always see people and say, "I could never pull that look off." but I know that most of us could if we actually tried it.

amy said...

I bet that's where the people on HGTV go to get their wacko color schemes, because it keeps everything together. GENIUS! Now I can be a designer too!!!

Roxanne said...

I may have to check that site out to give me some courage with painting the new wall we will have in our living room.

Sarah said...

mommyofthree: The top one is my favorite, too. And as far as branching out in winter, for me it's all about the accessories (bags, earrings, shoes are my big go-to choices) because you can be adventurous with color and not blow a bunch of money. Well, unless you buy expensive accessories. I'm more of a Target/Kohl's/Etsy girl, so I often find cheap AND cute "adventure" pieces.

scrap chair potato: I totally agree. Whenever I try an outfit that I think is a little "out there" I always get a lot of compliments. I think, for me at least, it's more about being willing to make a 'bad' adventurous choice every once in a while.

ames: I bet you're right... and if not, they should! You're already so great with color, you hardly need it, but I think it can provide inspiration for anyone. I would totally let you design my house. :)

gma dibb: That's a great idea! This way you don't have to make dozens of trips to Home Depot to get paint chips (or am I the only one who obsessively does that when I decide to paint??)

marc said...

Cool post! Kuler is such a great resource.