Sunday, April 24, 2011

Paris Vicarious - Easter Sunday

Okay, I'm introducing a little series of posts on the blog, since I've transferred everything over from the Paris Vicarious blog. I'm going to have a regular column called Paris Vicarious, where I will discuss my favorite things about Paris, post pictures of my lovely adopted city, and basically talk about what I would be doing if I were currently in Paris.

Two years ago on Easter Sunday my family was driving through Eastern France on our way to Austria, and we stopped in Strasbourg, where we arrived just in time to enter the cathedral and hear the Hallelujiah chorus. It was gorgeous.

If I were in Paris today, I would have attended my own church services, but I wouldn't be able to help heading over to Notre Dame to listen to the Easter Mass. Just in hopes of hearing the organ.

Can we all pretend for just a minute that we're in Paris today?



Erin said...

It would have been lovely to be in Paris on Easter. Sigh.

Bill Cobabe said...

Can't we pretend that we're in Paris every day? :-)

S said...

My thoughts exactly, you guys. :)