Amy introduced me to the art of Wassily Kandinsky, and one of his paintings has become an all-time favorite of mine.
Farbstudie Quadrate
(The colors are usually brighter than depicted here... more like the one below)
I also like this one, simply entitled Farbstudie.
Some people might find these to be too bold, too visually chaotic to hang in their own homes, but I wouldn't think twice about putting this up in my house (just not in my bedroom, which I prefer to keep more calm and monochromatic-ish) (I know that's not a word. Oh, well).
What do you think? What are your favorite paintings/artists? What kind of art do you put up in your house?
Ooh, I really like the first one. I would put it in my home, too.
I have always liked Picasso (love cubism), but I haven't studied art enough to know who else I like. Sadly, I don't have any paintings (or any art, really) displayed in my home. I prefer either abstract art or paintings of nature and people that look very real (I love Simon Dewey's work). I'm not a fan of impressionism for sure.
I actually prefer photographs for decorations. I think they say a lot about a person. I'll have to consider what artist I like the most and get back to you.
It's funny that you did this post because I remember a while back, Jess did a post about some of the paintings you did and Kandinksy is exactly who I thought of (and Mondrian). So kudos to you.
When we were first married (maybe it was for my birthday or something), Josh bought me a print of "Nude Descending a Staircase" by Marcel Duchamp and had it framed. It's one of my all-time favorites. It's even hanging in our stairwell, which I thought was appropriate. =)
I miss my art history days at the U sometimes. Another favorite of mine is August Rodin. I just love how he can capture emotions so well.
I don't think these paintings are any better than yours. I miss seeing them on your walls - seriously!
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