Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pasta with Brie, Mushrooms, and Arugula 2-11-10

Last Thursday's menu was awesome. Awesome, I tell you!

Without further ado, I will provide you with the picture I took two days later (after reheating my plated food twice because I set it up and then realized that my camera battery was dead... so ignore the sweating mushrooms, please).

I will not be writing up the recipes in full. Because they're already written up in full. Elsewhere. And I can't condone duplication. (Forget the fact that I did last week. And the week before.) Especially when I dislike what Blogger does when I try to use bullet points.

Pasta with Brie, mushrooms, and arugula
from Real Simple November 2009
Love it. Absolutely will make it again. (Even though I'm technically allergic to mushrooms.)

Artichoke and Tomato Bruschetta
from Shape magazine
Ambrosia. This stuff is truly incredible. I made it again this weekend because I liked it so much. Mmmmmm... (oh, and I used canned artichokes. Couldn't find any frozen arti hearts at Target.) (And I'm pretty sure I put in more garlic than was called for. But really, that can only be a good thing.)

Apple Crisp
from the Pioneer Woman's Tasty Kitchen food forum-thingy
I found this recipe to have great flavor, but there wasn't nearly enough topping, so I ended up having to make a second batch of topping. And the topping as given in the recipe turned out too moist, so I just made up a new version on the second go-round. Added a bit more flour and some old-fashioned oats. I really like what the cranberries and lemon do for the flavor, though. Gives it a bit more tartness than a regular crisp.

So, there you have it. All-around a delicious meal. Even if I did char the crostini when I broiled them.

This week I was feeling a little Asian persuasion... so on Thursday we're having a healthier version of Kung Pao chicken with fried rice and a side of bok choy, and then we're having butterscotch brownies for dessert (I know... SO super Asian. Xie xie.)

1 comment:

Erin said...

Mmm, mmm, mmm! Yum!

And more garlic is ALWAYS a good thing.