Thursday, December 4, 2008

Great News

So, considering the current economy and with unemployment creeping up, I've been getting nervous about leaving a stable job with a great boss in a company I love (even in exchange for a wonderful lifelong dream). It wouldn't have changed my plans, but I was thinking to myself:


Will I come back to an economy that is worse off than it is now?

Will I be able to find a job that offers benefits?

Will I have to sell my soul to the devil to afford individual health insurance?


Well, yesterday my boss told me that the VP our department reports to agreed to let me telecommute from Paris and just work fewer hours.

It might end up that I do this as a contracted employee, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can just get bumped down to a 20-hour-a-week cap and stay on as a "real" employee. Which would be great, because I would stay 100% vested in my 401k and be able to get right back onto my health insurance.

Either way, I'm rejoicing.

Oh, and today I also got my confirmation from Campus France. With their approval in place, I can now apply for my in-person visa appointment at the consulate in San Francisco.



Roxanne said...

That IS great news! Hope all goes well.

me and my GSDs said...

Having been in a position of looking for jobs recently (and still, since the job I love is only part time, and I have to work a job I despise to make up the rest of my budget) I can so totally empathize and rejoice with you!! This so totally rocks. :-) I hope you can stay part-time employed, even enough to have part-time benefits. Congrats!

(Hi, I'm Nancy and I'm parenthesis and ellipses addicted...)