You might call it an obsession, a fetish, or an accessory imbalance. But, call it what you will, I love earrings, and I thought I would share mine with you today.
I have amassed many pairs of earrings in my life. In total I think I've got between 85-90 pair of earrings. I counted a while ago but I don't remember the exact number. Almost all of the earrings I wore growing up are gone because they were mostly post earrings, and now I tend to wear drop earrings 99% of the time. I have zero tolerance for being stabbed in the neck by an earring post. Hooks are so much more gentle on the skin behind my ears.
Keeping track of all my earrings (specifically, rummaging through them all to find the ones I wanted to wear) had become a challenge in the last couple of years, so I finally devised a way to keep them all in one place. This was the resulting crafty project.

Ingredients: One unfinished glass-free frame from Robert's, several lengths of ribbon, staple gun, staples, white paint, clearcoat. Oh, and 3M hooks for the necklaces and rings at the bottom. LOVE those hooks.
There are some changes I would make to this having now gone through the process once. I would use eyelet screws on the inside of the frame where the glass would normally sit and I would either use thinner ribbon or wire. I kind of like the way the ribbons wrapped aroung the edges of the frame, but the earrings with the smaller hooks tend to slip off the ribbon because it is too wide and flexible.
Regardless of those little issues, I have loved having this earring holder. It keeps them all in front of me, and it turns my earrings into a sort of haphazard artwork.
A couple of years ago I decided that instead of spending money on random souvenirs on trips I take (which inevitably end up thrown away, lost, broken, or being picked up by me as I scratch my head and wonder where I got it), that I would purchase a pair of earrings for each vacation I go on (or multiple pairs, if I am visiting several locations in one trip).
It started in 2005 with a Thanksgiving trip to New York City and has continued up through mytrip to Alaska this summer.
I'm not going to lie--picking my favorite earrings was a challenge, because I wear so many of them frequently and love them for different reasons. But here are some of my favorites and where they came from.

And to wrap it up (I'm sorry... who knew that anyone could write this much about earrings??), these earrings are coming my way soon. Again, these are replacing a pair of earrings (my favorite pair EVER, hands down--I wore them every day of my mission and then some) because I lost one while napping on my parents' couch. It disappeared into the depths of the cushions or elsewhere, never to be found again.

Okay, I'm done. If you read this whole thing, you are a trooper. :)
I don't think I've ever really looked closely at your earing collection. It's a little strange that you live with a girl (me) who let the earing holes in her ears grow in.
I LOVED this post.
I love the earring organizer. I sure wish I had enough earrings to need one of those. I really love earrings (by the way, I love wearing big earrings even thought I have shorter hair, I know that some people think you should wear smaller earrings with short hair, but I think bigger is better, no matter what!)
Your earrings are beautiful. I love the idea of buying a new pair as a souvenir. So smart!
When I grow up I want to be like my awesomely fabulous, accessorized cousin, Sarah. :)
I think your idea of buying earrings when you travel is a great idea. I had to quit buying things since they would end up on a shelf, never to be touched again. I saw your organizer in person and think it is darling.
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